We are constantly on the hunt of self-motivated Postdocs, Ph.D./Master Students, and Research Assistants/Interns to join our research group at ZJU.
As one of China’s most renowned and prosperous cities for much of the last millennium, Hangzhou has been long recognized as the “Paradise on Earth” – landmarked by West Lake. It is a major economic and e-commerce hub within China, and in particular, a major city for scientific research in the Asia-Pacific, ranking 23rd globally by scientific outputs. Hangzhou tops the list of Chinese cities of opportunity, for instance, Hangzhou is home to the headquarters of large global tech companies such as Alibaba Group, Ant Group, and NetEase.
As a member of the prestigious C9 League, Zhejiang University (founded as Qiushi Academy in 1897) is consistently ranked among the top 5 academic institutions in mainland China. As of 2022, the QS World University Rankings ranked Zhejiang University 42nd in the world and 5th in Asia. The ZJU College of Computer Science and Technology is committed to cultivating top-notch talents in computer science with cross-disciplinary innovation capabilities and global vision. The subjects it offers – Computer Science and Technology, and Software Engineering – are both rated A+ (2%, China University Subject Rankings).
Prof. Dr. Mingshuai Chen is a ZJU100 Young Professor leading the Formal Verification Group at Zhejiang University. Prior to joining ZJU, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at RWTH Aachen University and a Visiting Researcher at University of Oldenburg, both in Germany. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. His primary research interest lies in formal verification and synthesis, broadly construed in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science.
Mingshuai Chen has published over thirty peer-reviewed papers at flagship journals/conferences including Inf. Compt., IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., OOPSLA, CAV, FM, ASE, ASPLOS, IJGAR, TACAS etc. He serves as the workshop chair of ICFEM 2025, the guest editor of Journal of Software, and co-chair of multiple forums at ChinaSoft 2024. He serves on the reviewer panel of AMS Mathematical Reviews and the program/review committees of OOPSLA 2026, TACAS 2026/2025, ATVA 2025, etc. He was the awardee of the NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) (one of the most prestigious grants for young researchers across China), the Distinguished Paper Award at ATVA 2018, Best Paper Award at FMAC 2019, and the CAS-President Special Award in 2019 (1st awardee from ISCAS ever since its inception in 1985). His research results have been partially applied in the verification of control programs of the Chinese lunar lander Chang’e-3 and the Chinese high-speed railway system.
Check out Mingshuai Chen’s CV for more detailed information.
Our research group aims to develop formal reasoning techniques for programs and hybrid discrete-continuous systems for ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of safety-critical software systems while pushing the limits of automation as far as possible. In general, we are interested in formal methods1 – the rigorous mathematical basis of computer science. Concrete research directions include (yet not limited to):
Check out Mingshuai Chen’s research statement for more details on these directions.
Our overall goal of teaching and advising is to assist the students in developing interests and independent, critical thinking skills for approaching fundamental principles in theoretical computer science. We position ourselves as coaches and co-learners in an inclusive community consisting of the supervisor, the students, the colleagues, and the world around us. Check out Mingshuai Chen’s teaching statement for more details.
Drop us an email indicating the position(s) you are interested in while enclosing your CV and transcripts. Note that the Ph.D. position starting in September, 2024 has been closed.
Formal methods have long been at the heart of computer science; there are 14 Turing Award Recipients – the most amongst all the sub-fields of computer science. ↩︎