Paper Accepted by TACAS 2023
Our paper has been accepted for presentation at TACAS 2023.
Our paper titled “Probabilistic Program Verification via Inductive Synthesis of Inductive Invariants” by Kevin Batz (RWTH Aachen), Mingshuai Chen, Sebastian Junges (Radboud), Benjamin Lucien Kaminski (Saarland/UCL), Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen), and Christoph Matheja (DTU) has been accepted for presentation at TACAS 2023 – the 29th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems at Paris, France. This paper contributes a simple yet effective inductive synthesis approach for proving quantitative properties of (in)finite-state probabilistic programs by generating inductive invariants on source-code level.